For consultation and research the expertise at the university, its teachers and the laboratory facilities are available to other organizations of the country. A separate institution – Consultancy Research and Testing Services (CRTS) has been formed to oversee these activities. As a center of excellence, KUET is not only contributing as the focal point for the development and dissemination of engineering and technological services within the country, but alsoit is involved to solve complicated practical problems of national importance faced by the planners, engineers and technologists of the country. Highly qualified and diversely experienced consultants of various fields of engineering have been involved in this endeavor. Wide ranges of quality control testing facilities are also available for materials used in various development activities. Expert consultancy services ranging from the analysis, design, evaluation, construction, rehabilitation, etc. are routinely carried out. CRTS undertakes research, testing and consultation works in various fields of engineering and technology as entrusted to them by private parties and by government and autonomous bodies in order to achieve following objectives: