• Ph.D Doctor of Philoshopy


    University Malaysia Pahang Al Sultan Abdullah,Malaysia,
    Thesis Title: Analyzing the Physical Mechanical Characteristics of Soft Soil Reinforced with Polypropylene Columns

  • MSC M. Sc. in Geotechnical Engineering

    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology,Bangladesh,
    Thesis Title: Study on the Field Performance of a Granular Pile as a Ground Improvement Technique

  • BSC B. Sc. in Civil Engineering


    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology ,Bangladesh ,Group: Civil Engineering

  • HSC Higher Secondary Certificate

    Govt. Brazalal University College, Khulna, Group: Science,

  • SSC Secondary School Certificate

    Nalian High School, Dacope, Khulna, Group: Science,

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1 M. I. Hoque and M. H. a. S. D. Datta, "Undrained Shear Strength of Soft Clay Reinforced with Encapsulated Stone Dust Column," International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptations , Emerald Publications, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1108/IJBPA-02-2023-0020, 2024 .

Journal Papers

2 M. I. Hoque, M. Hasan, M. S. Islam, M. Houdaand M. A. a. M. H. R. Sobuz, "Machine Learning Methods to Predict and Analyse Unconfined Compressive Strength of Stabilised Soft Soil with Polypropylene Columns," Cogent Engineering , Tailor and Francis, vol. 10, no.01, 2023 .

Journal Papers

3 M. I. Hoque and M. H. a. S. D. Datta, "Effect of Waste Plastic Strip on The Shear Strength and Permeability Characteristics of Black Cotton Soil," Journal of Applied Science and Engineering , Tamkang University Press, vol. 27, no.02, pp.2019-2028, 2023 .

Journal Papers

4 M. I. Hoque and M. H. a. N. J. Mim, "Shear Strength of Soft Clay Reinforced with Single Encased Stone Dust Columns," Jurnal Teknology , UTM Penerbit, vol. 85, no.05, 2023 .

Journal Papers

5 M. I. Hoque and M. H. a. M. T. H. Khondoker, "Laboratory Tests Based Strength Evaluation of Alluvial Soil: A Case Study," Journal of Advances in Geotechnical Engineering , HBRP, vol. 06, no.01, pp.46-63, 2023 .

Journal Papers

6 , "Factors affecting the construction quality in Bangladesh," International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation , Emerald Publishing, 2022 .

Journal Papers


7 M. N. Assafi and M. I. H. a. M. M. Hossain, "Investigating the causes of construction delay on the perspective of organization-sectors involved in the construction industry of Bangladesh," International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation , Emerald Publishing, 2022 .

Journal Papers

8 A. D. Nath, M. I. Hoque and S. D. D. a. F. Shahriar, "Various recycled steel fiber effect on mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete," International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation , Emerald Publishing, 2021 .

Journal Papers

9 M. I. Hoque, M. A. Safayet, M. J. Ranaand A. Y. B. a. G. S. Qurarishy, "Analysis of construction delay for delivering quality project in Bangladesh," International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation , Emerald Publishing, vol. 41, no.02, 2021 .

Journal Papers

10 S. A. Shohana and M. I. H. a. M. H. R. Sobuz, "Experimental investigation on hardened properties of recycled coarse aggregate concrete," Advanced in Concrete Construction , Techno-Press Journals, vol. 10, no.05, pp.369-379, 2020 .

Journal Papers

11 A. Saha, M. H. R. Sobuz and M. I. H. a. R. Muzahid, "Influence of waste glass aggregates on the rheological properties of self-consolidated concrete," Australian Journal of Civil Engineering , Tailor & Francis, vol. 18, no.02, pp.272-285, 2020 .

Journal Papers

12 S. Ahmed, H. Islam and I. H. a. M. Hossain, "Reality check against skilled worker parameters and parameters failure effect on the construction industry for Bangladesh," International Journal of Construction Management , Taylor & Francis, vol. 20, no.05, pp.480-489, 2020 .

Journal Papers

13 M. I. Hoque and M. H. K. a. T. Rahman, "Engineering Properties and Cost Comparison among Sylhet Sand, Khustia Sand and Local Sand in the Context of Foundation," Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science , Success Culture Press, vol. 5, no.1, pp.17-30, 2018 .

Journal Papers

14 , "Investigation of the Causes of Accident in Construction Projects," Journal of System and Management Sciences , ISSN:1816-6075, vol. 08, no.03, pp.67-89, 2018 .

Journal Papers

15 S. Ahmed, M. I. Hoque and M. H. I. a. M. Hossain, "A Reality Check of Status Level of Worker against Skilled Worker Parameters for Bangladesh Construction Industry," Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction , Tech Reviews Ltd., vol. 07, no.03, pp.132-140, 2018 .

Journal Papers

16 S. Ahmed and M. M. H. a. M. I. Hoque, "A Brief Discussion on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Construction Industry ," Journal of System and Management Science , ISSN 1816-6075, vol. 07, no.03, pp.1-33, 2017 .

Journal Papers

17 M. I. Hoque and S. A. a. M. H. R. Sobuz, "Identification of Factors Influencing Accidents on Construction Sites," Journal of System and Management Science , ISSN:1816-6075, vol. 07, no.04, pp.1-16, 2017 .

Journal Papers

18 S. Ahmed and M. I. H. a. M. H. R. Sabuz, "Analysis of Skilled Worker Criteria of Construction Industry ," Journal of System and Management Science , ISSN 1816-6075, vol. 07, no.02, pp.53-78, 2017 .

Journal Papers

19 H. R. Sobuz, D. J. Oehlers, N. M. S. Hasanand M. I. H. a. A. S. M. Akid, "Flow and Strength Characteristics of Ultra-high Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete: Influence of Fiber Type and Volume-fraction," Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction , Tech Reviews Ltd., vol. 6, no.1, pp.15-21, 2017 .

Journal Papers

20 M. S. Ahsan, M. A. Akber and M. A. I. a. M. I. Hoque, "Monitoring bacterial contamination of piped water supply in rural coastal Bangladesh," Environ Monit Assess , Springer, vol. 189, no.1, pp.1-13, 2017 .

Journal Papers

21 , "Study on the Field Performance of a Granular Pile as a Ground Improvement Technique,," Journal of Engineering Science , ISSN: 2075-4914, vol. 5, no.01, 2014 .

Journal Papers

1 M. I. Hoque and M. H. a. M. S. Parvez, "Municipal Solid Waste Management in Khulna City Corporation, Bangladesh.," National Conference of Post Graduate Research , Universiti Malaysia Pahang , 2022 .
Conference Papers
2 , "The Influence of Environmental Awareness on Human Attitude to Solid Waste Management-A Behavioral Perspective," 5th International Conference on Solid Waste Management in South Asian Countries, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, 25-27 February 2017. .
Conference Papers
3 , "Solid Waste Management System in Noapara Municipality," 4th International Conference on Solid Waste Management in South Asian Countries,, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, 20-22 February 2015. .
Conference Papers
4 , "Effectiveness of Sand Column as a Ground Improvement Technique,," 2nd International Conference on Advanced in Civil Engineering,, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology , 26-28 December, 2014. .
Conference Papers
5 , "Appraisal of Stored Rainwater Quality for Drinking Water Supply in the Southwestern Coastal Area of Bangladesh," International Conference on Environmental Technology and Construction Engineering for Sustainable Development, Shajalal University of Science and Technology, March, 2012. .
Conference Papers

Service Records

  • Associate Professor

    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology
    From 04-Apr-2022 to Present
    Department/Section: Building Engineering and Construction Management

  • Assistant Professor

    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology
    From 20-Apr-2015 to 04-Apr-2022
    Department/Section: Building Engineering and Construction Management

  • Assistant Director

    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology
    From 20-Oct-2010 to 20-Apr-2015
    Department/Section: Planning and Development

Professional Body Membership

  • Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB)

    Member Type: Fellow
    Member ID: F 13395

Course Conduction
