Department of Civil Engineering


Prof. Dr. Engr. Md. Rafizul Islam

+88041 769468-75 Ext. 295 (Office), 296 (Res)
[email protected]
Personal Webpage
Research Interest: CRTS (Civil), KUET Research Project Research Project Research Project Research/Study Project Research/Study Project Research/Study Project Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering


Welcome to my personal webpage. This is Dr. Engr. Md. Rafizul Islam, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, KUET. Since 2004, Dr. Rafizul has been involved in research related to organic soil characterization, solid waste management and landfill lysimeter technology. In his research he worked as a Research Associate (June 2008 to December 2009) in the “WasteSafe II†project. The European Commission (EC) under the Asia Pro Eco-II Programme was funding the project. The project was a collaborative research program lead by BUW, Germany; AIT, Thailand; LUT, Poland and BIREC, Germany. Moreover, He also worked as a Research Associate (April 2006 to January 2007) in the project of “SoilTech†funded by the EC Under Asia Pro Eco-II Programme. It was a collaborative program with ACLIMA (Cluster Association of Environment Industry of the Basque Country), Spain as well as VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Research), Belgium. Dr. Rafizul also worked as a Research Assistant (May 2004 to November 2004) in the “WasteSafe†project co-financed by Asia Pro Eco Programme of the EC which was jointly conducted by the Dept. of Civil Engg., KUET, Tribhuban University (Nepal), AIT (Thailand), Karlsruhe University (Germany) and University of Leeds (UK). In his PhD, he was involved in research on design and construction of landfill lysimeter, leachate characterization and evaluation of landfill contamination potential. He is an author of more than 110 publications in peer-reviewed journals and national/international conferences.




Doctor of Philosophy (Geoenvironmental Engineering)
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET),Bangladesh (2014)
M.Sc. Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering)
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET),Bangladesh (2006)
B.Sc. Engineering (Civil Engineering)
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET),Bangladesh (2003) Group: Civil Engineering,
Higher Secondary Certificate
Satkhira Govt. College,Bangladesh (1997) Group: Science,
Secondary School Certificate
Fulbari High School,Bangladesh (1995) Group: Science,

Scholarship and Award

  • Best Paper Award at the 13th SARDINIA 2011 International Conference on Waste Management at Cagliari, Italy

    Best Paper award in landfill category for the paper "Evaluation of contamination potential of sanitary landfill lysimeter using leachate pollution index". More than 800 papers were published in the conference, while 750 people from 63 countries were attended.

  • UBC Entrance Scholarship

    Scholarship support from the University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Canada

  • Best Paper Award at the WasteSafe 2017, 5th International Conference on Solid Waste Management in South Asian Countries, Khulna, Bangladesh

    Title of the paper" Prediction of Solid Waste Generation Rate and Determination of Future Waste Characteristics of South-western Region using Artificial Neural Network. The author(s) were M. Ashik Ahmed, Islam M. Rafizul and M. Nazmul Hassan


  • CRTS (Civil), KUET
  • Worked as a member of the consultancy team as an expert of Geotechnical Engineering field in the following local projects: Directly engaged to field survey and conducting sub-soil exploration program, analysis of soil samples and prepare soil report, preparation of inception report, review report on the supporting design data/parameters regards to code conformation, final checking of the design review, final checking of inspection and progress reports as needed under the contract, collection of related materials for report from different groups, finalized the draft and final report, etc.. Project 1: Feasibility Study for the Construction of Mongla Container Terminal with two new Jetties at Mongla Port, Bagerhat. Project 2: Feasibility Study for the Construction of Container Delivery Yard at Mongla Port, Khulna. Project 3: Design of Several RCC Jetties and Renovation of Existing Jetty at the Bank of Rupsha River for Khulna Shipyard, Khulna. Project 4: Feasibility Study for the Construction of Multi-level Car Parking Yard at Mongla Port, Khulna. Project 5: Feasibility Study for the Construction of 4- layer Container Storage Yard at Mongla Port, Khulna. Project 6: Feasibility Study for the Construction of RCC Road Network at Mongla Port, Khulna. Project 7: Feasibility Study for the Up-gradation of Mongla Port, Mongla Project 8: The Feasibility Study on the Project of Construction of Mongla Custom House with Necessary Facilities at the Proposed Site of Mongla Port Area Project 9: Monitoring the Behavior of Instrumented Embankment for the Construction of Khulna-Mongla Port Rail Line Project 10: Consultancy Services on Development of Jashore Airport, Jashore Project 11: Dredging at the Inner Bar of Mongla Port Channel
  • Research Project
  • Worked as Research Associate (June 2008 to December 2009) in a 36 months (2007 to 2009) partnership project entitled as “Safe and Sustainable Management of Municipal Solid Waste in Bangladesh through the Practical Application of WasteSafe Proposal” co-financed by European Union’s Asia Pro Eco II Programme with the partners of Thailand, Germany and Poland. As a member of organizing committee arranged a National Seminar on Solid Waste Management in 9-10 February 2008 and Stakeholders’ Dialogue on July 2007, November 2007 and July 2008. Also attended a day-long Awareness Campaign on MSW management in Khulna City in 05 January 2008 and 22 November 2008.
  • Research Project
  • Worked as Research Associate (April 2006 to January 2007) of a 36 months demonstrate study project entitled as ‘Application of Innovative Technologies for the Reclamation and Environmental Improvement of Derelict Urban Areas in Dhaka City (Bangladesh)’- Funded by the European Commission Under Asia Pro Eco-II Programme. The project was leading by the Department of Civil Engineering, KUET, Bangladesh in close cooperation with the following European organizations: (i) ACLIMA (Cluster Association of Environment Industry of the Basque Country), Spain (ii) VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Research), Belgium. Worked successfully in Dhaka City; Dhaka to identify the all-relevant aspects of the Hazaribagh and Tejgaon contaminated sites based on the potential environmental and soils pollution through the industrial wastes and in final report preparation.
  • Research Project
  • Served as Research Assistant (May 2004 to November 2004) of a 12 month feasibility study project entitled as “Integrated management and safe disposal of municipal solid wastes in least developed Asian countries” co-financed by European Union’s Asia Pro Eco Programme with the partners of Thailand, Nepal, Germany and UK. Visited two city corporation and different pourashava of Bangladesh, different NGOs and Private sectors working on MSW management to get field experiences on MSW management and ultimate disposal situation. Discussed the matter with the concerned stakeholders in Khulna city. Attended a day-long seminar ‘WasteSafe Stakeholders Dialogue on the MSW management and Safe Disposal’ at Dhaka, in the month of March 2005.
  • Research/Study Project
  • As a Project Director, a 12 months study project funded by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh is gong to complete
    “Modelling of Desiccation Crack in Composite Clay Liners of Solid Waste Landfill”. The project details was meeting No. CASR/19/37(25):51/3, 18.06.2019.
    One of the post-graduate students will be completed his M.Sc. in Civil engineering degree based on the outcomes of this project
  • Research/Study Project
  • As a Project Director successfully completed of a 12 months study project funded by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh
    “Prediction of California Bearing Ratio of Stabilized Soils using Soft Computing Systems”. The project details was meeting no. 47th, Serial No.08, 14/03/2018
    One post-graduate student has been completed his M.Sc. in Civil Engineering degree based on the outcomes of this project.
  • Research/Study Project
  • Successfully completed of a 12 months study project as a Project Director funded by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh
    “Environmental and Health Risk Assessments Related to the Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste in Landfill of Bangladesh” The Project details was Meeting no. 41th, Res. No. 41/05 no.-18, 23/08/2016
    One post-graduate student obtained M.Sc. in Civil Engineering degree based on the outcomes of this project.
  • Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
  • Soil Mechanics Soil Improvement Stochastic System Modelling and Ecological Risk of Contaminated Soil Geostatistical Analysis and Interpolation of GIS Mapping Environmental Geotechnology Solid Waste Management Contamination and Sensitivity Analysis of Landfill Lysimeter Technology Environmental and Health Risk Analysis Multimedia Environmental Models (the Fugacity Approach) Uncertainty and Sensitivity in Risk Analysis Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Simulations


Service Records
  • Professor
    Department/Section: Civil Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Teaching and Research in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
  • Associate Professor
    Department/Section: Civil Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Teaching and research in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
  • Research Assistant
    Department/Section: Civil Engineering (WasteSafe project)
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Working Area: Khulna
  • Research Associate
    Department/Section: Civil Engineering (SoilTech project)
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Working Area: Dhaka
    Responsibility: Field Survey and data Collection, Regular Programme setup with city authorities, DWASA, DoE, RAJUK, BAPA, Land owners and Dhaka Citizens, Industries and SMEs, Data Analysis, Report Preparation etc
  • Research Associate
    Department/Section: Civil Engineering (WasteSafe II project)
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Arranged several meetings with foreign delegate’s and discussed about relevant aspects of WasteSafe II project, Design, construction and evaluation of landfill contamination potential, Drafting and report writing
  • Teaching Assistant
    Department/Section: Civil Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Sep-2024 to 12-Dec-2000
    Responsibility: Conducting several practical classes in the undergraduate level
  • Contact Lecturer
    Department/Section: Architecture Discipline
    Khulna University 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Teaching several Civil Engineering subjects in the undergraduate level
  • Lecturer
    Department/Section: Civil Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Teaching and research in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
  • Assistant Professor
    Department/Section: Civil Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Teaching and research in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Professional Body Membership
  • Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB)

    Member Type: Life Fellow
    Member ID: F-13174

Teaching and Supervision

Course Conduction

Supervised Postgraduate Research (M.Sc. in Civil Engineering)

Sl. No.


Tentative Thesis Title



Groundwater Contamination due to Waste Landfill Site in Khulna: Implication of Mathematical Models (in progress)



Modeling of Municipal Solid Waste Prediction and Management: A Case Study of Khulna City (in progress)



Experimental Study on the Cracking Behavior of Composite Landfill Liners



Analysis of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Soils of a Waste Disposal Site in Khulna using Artificial Intelligence Techniques



Prediction of California Bearing Ratio of Fine-grained Soil Stabilized with Admixtures



Assessment of the Potential Human Health Risk of a Waste Disposal Site in Khulna



Multivariate Statistics and Geostatistical Analyses of Metal Elements in Soil of Waste Disposal Site in Khulna



Assessment of Potential Ecological Risks Associated with Heavy Metals in Soil of Waste Disposal Site at Khulna: A Spatial and Temporal Appraisal

Last Update: 10-Mar-2024