• Ph.D PhD (Field Engineering)


    Hokkaido University,Japan,
    Thesis Title: Fluvial bar instability with bank erosion

  • MSC M.Sc. (Water Resources Engineering)


    Thesis Title: An Experimental Study on Flow Field and Scour around Bell Mouth Groin

  • BSC B.Sc. (Civil Engg.)


    KUET ,Bangladesh ,Group: Civil

  • 2011-09-18

    Japanese Government MEXT (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship for PhD study in Hokkaido University, Japan

  • 2011-06-18

    Best paper award 2011 on ‘Local scour around submerged bell mouth groin for different orientations”, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 39 (1).

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1.Uddin,U. ,Hossain,M. J. a. and M.,M. (2012) ," Flow Field and Scour Around Bell Mouth Groin: Experimental Study", Retrieved from https://www.lap-publishing.com/


1 Uddin,U. , J.,M. , Shakik,S. , A.,A. , Mim,&. and B.,F. (2024) , " Understanding the impact of bridge structure on river morphology through geospatial techniques: case on Teesta River, Bangladesh.," Discover Environment, 2(1), 91., DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s44274-024-00136-z

Journal Papers

2 Mondal,C. and Uddin,M. J. (2024) , " Assessment of climate change induced rainfall trend and variability with non-parametric and linear approach for Sirajganj district, Bangladesh," Heliyon, Elsevier BV, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e31151

Journal Papers

3 (2024) , " Unveiling the impact of rapid urbanization on human comfort: a remote sensing-based study in Rajshahi Division, Bangladesh," Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-35, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-04354-y

Journal Papers

4 Haque,M. N. , Sharif,M. S. , Rudra,R. R. , Mahi,M. M. , Uddin,M. J. and Ellah,R. G. A. (2022) , " Analyzing the spatio-temporal directions of air pollutants for the initial wave of Covid-19 epidemic over Bangladesh: Application of satellite imageries and Google Earth Engine," Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Elsevier BV, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsase.2022.100862

Journal Papers

5 Uddin,M. J. , Niloy,M. N. R. , Haque,M. N. and Fayshal,M. A. (2022) , " Assessing the shoreline dynamics on Kuakata, coastal area of Bangladesh: a GIS- and RS-based approach," Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, Emerald, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1108/agjsr-07-2022-0114

Journal Papers

6 Uddin,M. J. , Haque,M. N. , Fayshal,M. A. and Dakua,D. (2022) , " Assessing the bridge construction effect on river shifting characteristics through geo-spatial lens: A case study on Dharla River," Heliyon, Elsevier Ltd., volVolume 8, no.Issue 8, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e10334

Journal Papers

7 Uddin,M. J. and Swapnil,F. J. (2021) , " LAND SURFACE TEMPERATURE (LST) ESTIMATION AT KUSHTIA DISTRICT, BANGLADESH," Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology, UNIMAS Publisher, DOI:https://doi.org/10.33736/jcest.3985.2021

Journal Papers

8 Uddin,M. J. and Mondal,C. (2020) , " EFFECT OF EARTH COVERING AND WATER BODY ON LAND SURFACE TEMPERATURE (LST)," Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology, UNIMAS Publisher, DOI:https://doi.org/10.33736/jcest.2065.2020

Journal Papers

9 (2019) , " Prediction of River Bank Shifting Process at the Confluence," Journal of Engineering Science 10(1), 2019, 19-24

Journal Papers

10 (2018) , " Morphological Modeling of Meandering River," Journal of Engineering Science 09(2), 119-126, Dec 2018.

Journal Papers

11 Uddin,M. J. ,Chakma,P. and Faruq,S. A. A. (2017) , " STUDY OF WATER AND BED LEVEL VARIATION IN THE GANGES-PADMA RIVER, BANGLADESH," Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology, UNIMAS Publisher, DOI:https://doi.org/10.33736/jcest.443.2017

Journal Papers

12 (2017) , " Sand bars instability by analytical method," Journal of Engineering Science 08(1), 2017, 17-26.

Journal Papers

13 SAAM,H. , W,L. , J,U. M. and A.,A. (2016) , " Placement of stream barb encouraged river channel flow towards bank stability," Journal of Advanced Civil Engineering Practice and Research 2016;3:15-22.

Journal Papers

14 J,U. M. and C.,M. (2016) , " Sediment transport characteristics due to rainfall," . Journal of Advanced Civil Engineering Practice and Research 2016;3:3-8.

Journal Papers

15 (2015) , " Linear stability analysis of fluvial sand bar with bank erosion," Journal of Engineering Science 06(1&2), 2015, 57-66

Journal Papers

16 J,U. M. , M,A. , A,A. , SAAM,H. and SMA,A. F. (2015) , " Soil erosion due to rainfall in plane and inclined surfaces," Journal of Advanced Civil Engineering Practice and Research 2015;1(1):3-10.

Journal Papers

17 UDDIN,M. J. , IZUMI,N. , HASEGAWA,K. and PORNPROMMIN,A. (2015) , " QUASI-MEANDERING INDUCED BY FLUVIAL SAND BARS," Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Japan Society of Civil Engineers, DOI:https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.71.I_1021

Journal Papers

18 UDDIN,M. J. , IZUMI,N. , HASEGAWA,K. and WATANABE,Y. (2015) , " BAR INSTABILITY WITH BANK EROSION," Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Japan Society of Civil Engineers, DOI:https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.71.I_121

Journal Papers

19 Hossain,S. A. A. M. ,Adham,A. K. M. and Chowdhury,M. J. U. a. M. M. I. (2014) , " Effects of barb installation on river bank stability: a numerical simulation," Journal of Agricultural Engineering, The Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. 41/AE Number 1, June 2014.

Journal Papers

20 Hossain,S. A. S. M. and Uddin,A. K. M. A. a. M. J. (2013) , " Stream barb influenced on straight channel bed configuration: a numerical solution," J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 6 (2): 139-147, 2013

Journal Papers

21 Sobuz,H. R. , Ahmed,E. , Sutan,N. M. , Hasan,N. M. S. , Uddin,M. A. and Uddin,M. J. (2012) , " Bending and time-dependent responses of RC beams strengthened with bonded carbon fiber composite laminates," Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier BV, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.11.006

Journal Papers

22 Sobuz,H. R. , Ahmed,E. , Uddin,M. A. and Uddin,N. M. S. H. a. M. J. (2011) , " Structural strengthening of RC beams externally bonded with different CFRP laminates configurations," Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 39 (1) (2011) 33-47

Journal Papers

23 Uddin,U. , J.,M. , Hossain,H. , Ali,M. a. and M.S.,M. (2011) , " Local scour around submerged bell mouth groin for different orientations," Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 39 (1) (2011) 1-17.

Journal Papers

1 Uddin,U. ,J.,M. and M.M.,H. M. (2010) , "An Experimental Investigation of Flow Field around Bell Mouth Groin," Proceedings of the IABSE-JSCE Joint Conference on Advances in Bridge Engineering-II, pp. 386-397, 2010.
Conference Papers
2 Uddin,U. , J.,M. , Hossain,H. , Ali,M. a. and M.S.,M. (2010) , "Local Scour around Non-Submerged Bell Mouth Groin for Different Orientations," Proceedings of the Bangladesh Geotechnical Conference, pp. 285-292, 2010.
Conference Papers
3 Uddin,U. , J.,M. , Hossain,H. , Ali,M. a. and M.S.,M. (2011) , "An Experimental Investigation of Local Scour around Submerged Bell Mouth Groin," Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Water & Flood Management (ICWFM-2011).
Conference Papers
4 Ali,A. , M.S.,M. , Hosoda,H. , Uddin,T. a. and J.,M. (2011) , "Possible Effect of Sea Level Rise on Floods of Bangladesh: Learning from the Past," Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Water & Flood Management (ICWFM-2011).
Conference Papers
5 Hossain,S. A. A. M. and Ali.,M. J. U. a. M. S. (2012) , "Effects of Stream Barb on Straight Channel Bed Configuration: Numerical Simulation," Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD-2012).
Conference Papers
6 (2013) , "Bar instability accompanied by bank erosion," In Advances in river sediment research-Fukuoka et al. (eds.), @ Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00062-9, 2013.
Conference Papers
7 Alamin,M. and Hossain,M. J. U. a. S. A. A. M. (2016) , "Study on sediment load due to rainfall.," Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD-2016).
Conference Papers
8 Hossain,S. A. A. M. and Lixue,M. J. U. a. W. (2016) , "BARBS POSITION INDUCED CHANNEL BANK STABILITY: A NUMERICAL SIMULATION.," Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD), 2016, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh
Conference Papers
9 (2017) , "Rainwater Harvesting & Grey Water Management by Artificial Infiltration for Recharging Shallow Groundwater," Proceedings of the WasteSafe 2017–5th International Conference on Solid Waste Management in South Asian Countries 25-27 February 2017, Khulna, Bangladesh
Conference Papers
10 (2018) , "Study of Land Surface Temperature Changes in Selected Drainage Basin of Atai-Bhairab-Rupsha River Based on NDVI And NDWI Analysis," Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2018).
Conference Papers
11 Mondal,C. and .,M. J. U. a. M. S. (2019) , "Study on Morphological Behavior of Pussur River.," Special Conference on Delta Plan 2100 and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh, January 2019
Conference Papers
12 Shakil,S. I. ,Uddin,M. J. and Mondal.,C. (2020) , "Numerical Modelling of Flow in a 90° Channel Confluence," Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020) Bangladesh.
Conference Papers
13 Rupa,K. F. and Uddin.,M. J. (2020) , "Linear Stability Analysis of Coral Bed.," Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020) Bangladesh.
Conference Papers
14 Hossain,K. F. and Uddin.,M. J. (2020) , "Performance of Geo Bag and Cement Concrete Block to Protect Right Bank of Padma River at Shariatpur District.," Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020) Bangladesh.
Conference Papers
15 Dip,M. M. F. ,Uddin,M. J. and Hasan,a. M. (2022) , "GEO-BAGS EFFECTS ON MEANDERING SECTION AGAINAST BANK EROSION: A CASE STUDY OF DHARLA RIVER," Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2022) Bangladesh
Conference Papers

Service Records



    July 2006 to Till Date


    Testing Officer

    Consultancy Research and Testing Service (CRTS)

    Department of Civil Engineering

    KUET, Khulna-9203, BANGLADESH

    July 2008 to Till Date



    Consultancy Research and Testing Service (CRTS)

    Department of Civil Engineering

    KUET, Khulna-9203, BANGLADESH

  • Major Activities/Projects:

     Monitoring the Performance of Dredging and Assessment of Effectiveness of Dredging at the Food Silo Area in Harbour Channel of Mongla Port.

    Monitoring the Performance of Capital Dredging and Assessment of Effectiveness of Dredging in Pussur River from Mongla Port to Rampal Power Plant.

    Feasibility Study for Dredging and River Training in Pussur Channel of Mongla Port.

    Monitoring and Third Party supervision of the project entitled “Improvement of Drainage System for Reducing Water Logging Problem in Khulna City Corporation (KCC)’’.

    Feasibility Study for the Up-gradation of Mongla Port.

    Consultancy Services on Development of Jashore Airport.

    Feasibility Study for the Construction of Mongla Container Terminal with two new Jetties at Mongla Port, Bagerhat.

    Feasibility Study for the Construction of Container Delivery Yard at Mongla Port, Khulna.

    Feasibility Study for the Construction of 4- layer Container Storage Yard at Mongla Port, Bagerhat– Mongla Port Authority, Ministry of Shipping, Bangladesh.

    Feasibility Study for the Construction of RCC Road Network at Mongla Port, Bagerhat– Mongla Port Authority, Ministry of Shipping, Bangladesh.


    2018 to Till Date




    Department of Civil Engineering

    KUET, Khulna-9203, BANGLADESH

    2016 – 2018


    Associate Professor

    Department of Civil Engineering

    KUET, Khulna-9203, BANGLADESH




    Assistant Professor

    Department of Civil Engineering

    KUET, Khulna-9203, BANGLADESH





    Department of Civil Engineering

    KUET, Khulna-9203, BANGLADESH

Administrative Experience Records

  • Chariman (CRTS (Civil))

    From 30-Nov--0001 to 30-Nov--0001
    Department/Section: CRTS (Civil)

  • Head

    From 30-Nov--0001 to 30-Nov--0001
    Department/Section: Arch

Professional Body Membership

  • IEB

    Member Type: Fellow
    Member ID: F-13178

Course Conduction

  • M.Sc. Student Supervising: 03 Nos.

  • B.Sc. Student Supervising: 06 Nos.
