Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Dr. Muhammad Aminul Haque Akhand


[email protected]
Personal Webpage
Research Interest: Ongoing Researches Research Area: Machine Learning, Bio-Inspired Computing Techniques and Pattern Recognition


Welcome to my personal site. I am servicing as a Professor in the Dept. of CSE, KUET. I have been graduated from this university in 1999 and then started service as a programmer in Software Company. I started research work while doing Master of Engineering in University of Fukui, Japan. After getting M. Eng. in Human and Artificial Intelligent Systems, I enrolled doctoral program in the same university and awarded Doctor of Engineering in System Design Engineering on Intelligent Information Systems in March, 2009. Now I have devoted myself to teaching and research in KUET. In this site you may find short description about my education, professional experience, research, etc.

I was Associate Director (Academic and Research Wing) Institute of Information and Communication Technology (IICT) . I was the manager of Integrated Automation of KUET (IAoKUET), HEQEP Project funded by World Bank and Govt. of Bangladesh. I have completed two years tenure period on December 31, 2019 as Head of the CSE Department .

I was in Japan (Oct-Dec, 2017) as a JSPS fellow with honor of Visiting Professor at University of Fukui. Research knowledge exchange and establishment of collaboration are the great achievements during the fellowship while visiting different laboratories of University of Fukui, Toyama Prefectural University, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Saitama University and Tohoku University.

About research, I am interested in Artificial Intelligence specifically (i) Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Neural Networks Ensemble (NNE), (ii) Evolutionary Computation and other Bio-inspired Computing Techniques, (iii) Swarm Intelligence and Optimization (iv) Biomedical Signal Processing and, (v) Pattern Recognition. About my research outcome, I have touched 100 publications by the end of 2017. By 2022, I have reached 150 Publications including 03 books, 50+ journal articles. I received Best Paper Awards in several international conferences. Among the books, ‘Deep Learning Fundamentals- A Practical Approach to Understanding Deep Learning Methods’ is published by University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh in 2021. Contract signing of the book was came as News Report: Kalerkantho , Samakal , Alokito Bangladesh , Bangla Tribune

I regularly review articles from prominent journals of IEEE, Elsevier Science, Springer and other international publishers. I am also Editorial Board Member of several international journals including Journal of Computer Science (JCS), a Scopus Index Open Access Journal of Science Publications, USA and Australia. I have also research collaboration with several researchers from universities from Japan, UK, USA. I expect better collaborative research in coming days.

In COVID-19 period, I was involved in design and develop a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) for respiratory support with M’s Engineering Solution Ltd. Dhaka . The news reports on the device: Samakal , à¦à¦•à§à¦¶à§‡ টেলিভিশন , জà§à¦®à¦¬à¦¾à¦‚লা

On November 19, 2023, I joined as the Project Director (PD) of Improving Computer and Software Engineering Tertiary Education Project (ICSETEP). ICSETEP is an ADB funded (as 100 Million USD loan) national project of 1219.80 Core Taka and University Grants Commission of Bangladesh is the implementing authority. BUET, Dhaka University, and JUST are the major stakeholders in the project through new academic building constructions, modern lab developments, and curriculum updates of CSE and modern ICT fields. Research, innovations, and some other components are open for all the universities to enhance CSE/ICT tertiary education in Bangladesh.
I praised to Almighty Allah for giving me scope to work for our beloved country Bangladesh. I am also grateful to KUET authorities, faculty members, officers, and staff for their continuous support in reaching such a position. Finally, I want support and DUA from everybody to lead ICSETEP successfully so that ADB Loan becomes most fruitful for the county.

Finally, anyone is welcome to share any research or project related idea or to do collaborative research related to my fields. Thanks a lot for visiting my site.





Doctor of Engineering (Ph.D.): System Design Engineering on Intelligent Information Systems
University of Fukui, Japan,Japan (2009)
Master of Engineering (M. Eng.): Human and Artificial Intelligent Systems
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET),Bangladesh (1999) Merit Position: First class (5th position),
Higher Secondary Certificate Examination
Shahid Smrity Adarsha College,,Nandail, Mymensingh, Bangladesh (October 1993) Merit Position: First division,
Secondary School Certificate Examination
Bangladesh Railway High School,Bhairab Bazar, Kishorgang, Bangladesh (March 1991)

Scholarship and Award

  • Academic Innovation Fund Award

    Title: Academic Innovation Fund Award of 19.78 Million BDT (Around 250000 USD) (to implement World Bank and Bangladesh Govt. funded project in Khulna University of Engineering & Technology for the automation Academic, Accounts and Administrative Systems), Organization: University Grants Commission, Bangladesh, Year: 2011-2013.

  • Technical Innovation, Research and Development Grant of Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh

    Title: Development of an Intelligent Internet Browsing System (for low Educated people of Bangladesh), Organization: Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, Year: 2013.

  • Research Grant of KUET

    Title: Research Grant of KUET (to Design and Development of Intelligent Software to Convert Traditional Bangla Fonts to Unicode Fonts), Organization: Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh, Year: 2012.

  • MONBUKAGAKUSHO (MEXT) Scholarship of Japan Govt.

    Title: MONBUKAGAKUSHO (MEXT) Scholarship (as an international imminent scholar from Bangladesh) for M.Enineering and Ph.D., Organization: Japan Government, Japan, Year: 2003-2009.

  • The Winner of the First Prize in the Best Paper Award Competition in SCIS&ISIS 2006, Japan

    Title: The Winner of the First Prize in the Best Paper Award Competition (for the outstanding paper submitted in the conference), Organization: Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2006), Japan, Year: 2006.

  • The Winner of the Session Best Presentation Award in SCIS&ISIS 2006, Japan

    Title: The Winner of the Session Best Presentation Award (for the outstanding paper presented in a session, that is different from paper of best paper award), Organization: Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2006), Japan, Year: 2006.

  • Technical Scholarship of KUET

    Title: Technical Scholarship (for securing outstanding result in Bachelor of Science in Engineering study period), Organization: Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh, Year: 1994-1998.

  • Junior Secondary School Scholarship

    Title: Junior Secondary School Scholarship (for securing outstanding result in Junior Secondary School Examination), Organization: Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Year: 1989-1991.


  • Ongoing Researches
  • 1. Handwritten Numeral/Character Recognition using DNNs
    2. Highly Constrained University Course Scheduling using Bio-inspired Methods
    3. Gene Regulatory Network Inference through Swarm Intelligence
    4. Solving Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem through Swarm Intelligence

  • Research Area: Machine Learning, Bio-Inspired Computing Techniques and Pattern Recognition
  • 1. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Neural Networks Ensemble
    2. Evolutionary Computation and Population based Methods
    3. Swarm Intelligence and other Bio-inspired Computing Techniques
    4. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
    5. Handwritten Numeral/Character Recognition using Deep Neural Networks(DNNs)


Service Records
  • Professor
    Department/Section: Computer Science and Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Teaching and Research
  • Associate Professor
    Department/Section: Computer Science and Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Teaching and Research
  • Assistant Professor
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Teaching and Research
  • Lecturer
    Department/Section: Computer Science and Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Teaching and Research
  • Programmer
    Kernel Systems Limited 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Software development, system analysis and design for commercial banking systems.
  • Programmer
    Sakaimex LTD. 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Software development
Professional Body Membership
  • Associate Member (AM2633) - Bangladesh Computer Society (BCS)

    Member Type:
    Member ID:

  • Member (M/23597) - Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB)

    Member Type:
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  • Senior Member ( 80339821) - International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology

    Member Type:
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  • Editorial Board Member-Intl. Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering(IJECCE)

    Member Type:
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  • Editorial Board Member - International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing (IJIGSP)

    Member Type:
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Teaching and Supervision

Course Conduction M.Sc. Thesis: Title and Degree Award Time

1. A Precise Evolutionary Approach to Solve Multivariable Functional Optimization - June 2011

2. Particle Swarm Optimization with Partial Search to Solve Traveling Salesman Problem - November 2013

3. University Class Scheduling using Ant Colony Optimization with Selective Population - March 2015

4. Highly Constrained University Course Scheduling using Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization - May 2015

5. Solving Capacitated VRP through Clustering with Variant Sweep Algorithm and Route Optimization using SI - May 2016

6. Handwritten Bangla Numeral Recognition Using Deep Neural Networks - July 2017

7. University Course Scheduling using Prominent Nature Inspired Techniques - April 2019

8. Speech Enhancement Using Convolutional Denoising Auto-Encoder - May 2019

9. Noisy Image Classification using Autoencoders and Convolutional Neural Network - June 2019

10. Improvement of Face Detection incorporating Illumination-based Robust Skin Color Measure - June 2019

** Some other students are also working on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and other Bio-inspired Computing Techniques.

Student Corner

Last Update: 10-Mar-2024