Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Dr. K. M. Azharul Hasan

[email protected]
Personal Webpage
Research Interest: In the areas of Big Data Technologies and High Performance Computing.


Welcome and thank you for taking time to visit my website. I am Dr. K. M. Azharul Hasan, professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna, Bangladesh where I was the head of the department during November 2011- November 2013. Currently, I am seving as the dean of the faculty Electrical and Electronic Engineering, KUET. KUET is one of the high ranked leading public universities of Bangladesh giving special emphasis in the engineering and technological education and research. CSE is one of the leading engineering departments of KUET and has a countrywide and global reputation for its dynamic teaching and learning environment, research capabilities, orientation with the industries and excellent graduate records. 

I completed my BSc. Eng. From Khulna University, Bangladesh (in 1999) where I stood first among all the students of all the disciplines of that batch and I was awarded the university gold medal by the chancellor at the 2nd convocation. I completed my M. Eng. from Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand in 2002 and PhD from University of Fukui in 2006 respectively. My PhD research was in extendible and flexible data warehouse design for dynamic data.

Currently I am working on Big Data technologies and Natural Language Processing.  I like to continue my career as an academician especially for teaching, research and academic curricula development. 

I am open to make research collaboration in my research field.


Doctor of Engineering (D. Engg.)

  • In System Design Engineering. (Information Science) from University of Fukui, Japan in 2006.
  • Supervisor Prof Tatsuo Tsuji, 
  • Thesis title "A New Implementation of Relational Tables for Multidimensional databases"

Master of Engineering (M. Engg.) 

  • In Computer Science and Information management (CSIM) from Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand in 2002.
  • Supervisor Prof. D. N. Batanov
  • Thesis title "Measuring Cohesion and Coupling for High Quality Object Oriented Software Development"

Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B. Sc. Engg.)

  • In Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) from Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh in 1999.
  • Awarded University gold medal.


  • In the areas of Big Data Technologies and High Performance Computing.
  • Big Data Engineering
    Query Processing and Optimization
    Language Processing and Text Mining
    High Performance Computing
    Tensor Computations and Applications

    Current Research Project

        Building a Finite State Transducer for Stemming Bangla Words   

    Associate Editor

        Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences , ScienceDirect



Service Records
  • Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Since July 28, 2011 to Till 

Administrative Experience Records
  • Dean, Faculty Electrical and Electronic Engineering, KUET, Since 14 August, 2020 to 14 August, 2022
  • Director, Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), KUET, December 02, 2018 to 30, September 2020
  • Additional Director, Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), KUET, December 04, 2016 to November 30,2018
  • Head, Department of CSE, KUET, November, 2009 – November, 2013
  • Project Manager: Awarded project entitled “Enhancing the Teaching, Learning and Research Capabilities through Library System Automation
    • (CP No.435, Contact No. 68/2010, 29/12/2010) from Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) of University Grants Commission (UGC) under ministry of education, government of Bangladesh, on competitive basis.  The main purpose of the project is to modernize and digitize KUET central library that will improve control over the collection of Books, Journals, Proceedings, Theses, Periodicals and Magazines which are the main resources of learning. The project has been successfully completed.
  • Local Main Contract (LMC): CISCO Academy, Department of CSE, KUET, November 03, 2009 to November 02, 2013.
  • Chairman, Consultancy Research and Testing Services (CRTS), Dept. Of CSE. KUET, November 03, 2009 to November 02, 2013.
  • Member IEEE and IEEE computer Society, Membership No. 91163002 Fellow Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB). Fellowship No. 11515. 
  • Evaluation Team(ET) member Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education(BAETE) and Bangladesh Accreditation Council(BAC) for CSE programs.
Professional Body Membership
  • Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB)

    Member Type: Fellow
    Member ID: 11515

  • IEEE

    Member Type: Senior Member
    Member ID: 91163002

Teaching and Supervision

Course Conduction


  • CSE 1100: Introduction to Computer Systems;
  • CSE 3109: Database Systems;
  • CSE 3101: Theory of Computation;
  • CSE 3211: Compiler Design;
  • CSE 4239: Data Mining;
  • CSE 4221:Natural Language Processing.


Post Graduate

  • CSE 6467: Advanced Natural Language Processing
  • CSE 6247: Large Scale Data Management;
  • CSE 6225: Data Warehousing and Mining;
  • CSE 6221: Advanced Database Systems; 

Last Update: 13-Aug-2024