Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Dr. Mirza Mohd Shahriar Maswood

Associate Professor
+88041769468 Ext. 271
[email protected]
Personal Webpage
Research Interest: Datacenter Networking, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Wireless Communication


I am Mirza Mohd Shahriar Maswood. Welcome to my personal website. 


Doctor of Philosophy
M.Sc in Electrical Engineering
University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC),USA (13/08/2013-2015)
B.Sc in Electronics & Communication Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET),Bangladesh (06/03/2006-2010) Group: ECE,
Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC)
Sundarban Govt. Adarsha College,Bangladesh () Group: Science,
Secondary School Certificate (SSC)
Khulna Zilla School,Bangladesh (2001-2003) Group: Science,

Scholarship and Award

  • Graduate Teaching Assistantship

    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA

  • Graduate Research Assistantship

    Networking Research Laboratory (NetReL), University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA

  • UMKC School of Graduate Studies Research Grant

  • UMKC Interdisciplinary Applied Math Fellowship

  • UMKC Preparing Future Faculty Award

  • Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award


  • Datacenter Networking, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Wireless Communication


Service Records
  • Associate Professor
    Department/Section: Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Teaching, Research
  • Teaching Assistant
    Department/Section: Electrical and Computer Engineering
    University of Missouri-Kansas City 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Teaching ECE 216: Engineering Computation (Basic python, matlab, c) - 4 units
  • Research Assistant
    Department/Section: Telecommunications and Computer Networking
    University of Missouri-Kansas City 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Doing research in Computer Networking
  • Assistant Professor
    Department/Section: Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Teaching, Research
  • Lecturer
    Department/Section: Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Teaching, Research, former Assistant Provost (Amar Ekushey Hall), former treasurer (ECE Dept)
Professional Body Membership
  • The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)

    Member Type: Associate Member
    Member ID: A/12145

Teaching and Supervision

Last Update: 01-Aug-2024