Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Dr. Md. Arafat Hossain

+8802477733351-70 Ext. 8337 (O) 8338 (R)
[email protected]
Personal Webpage
Research Interest: Photonics and optical engineering 3D printing and technologies for sensing applications; 3D printing in photonics; 3D bio-printing


Md Arafat Hossain is Professor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Chairman of the Central Computer Centre & ICT Cell of the Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) and a member of IEEE, OSA, SPIE and IEB. He received a PhD on smart sensing and instrumentation from The University of Sydney in 2017 and later an Australian Award of Endeavour Fellowship for his postdoctoral research in smart sensing. Throughout this period, Dr. Hossain has conducted the cutting-edge research in the interdisciplinary area of smart sensing and sensor systems and generated some ground-breaking results which have been reported and featured in a number of reputed journals and news including the Nature Photonics News. Among them, smartphone spectrometers and smartphone laser beam profiler are particularly well-recognized. He is also an expert member of 3D printing & technologies and was responsible to establish the facilities at the interdisciplinary Photonics Laboratories (Sydney), when he also helped to develop technologies for some biomedical start-ups at Sydney. Dr. Hossain is also serving as a Review Editor of Frontiers in Sensors journal. He has received a number of awards and honors including the 2016 Hitachi Social Innovation Award, 2014 ResMed Award, two Best Paper Awards, Australian Govt. IPRS scholarship, Norman I Price Award, Australian Award Scholarship and UGC small grant. He has authored 1 book, 25 journals and more than 35 conferences papers, and filed 2 provisional patents in the area of smart sensing and photonics.


Career Highlights

  • 8+ years experience in designing, 3D modeling, and hardware prototyping of sensor instruments and working in an interdisciplinary space for sensing in renowned photonics lab & start up
  • 5+ years in establishment and operation of 3D printing & extrusion facilities with FDM and SLA printers
  • Fabrication, processing and characterization of polymer optical fibers
  • Experienced with pulsed 193 nm ArF exciplex and CW 244 nm Ar ion lasers facilities for FBG fabrications
  • 1 year experience in characterization and testing of metal ion sensing in a renowned analytical chemistry lab
  • Analytical instruments operation and maintanace : spectrofluorometer, UV/Vis spectrometers, FTIR, microscopes, laser beam profilers
  • Smartphone application (app) development in Android platform
  • Programming with embedded devices and microcontroller boards (Arduino), C++, MATLAB, MIT App Inventor
  • Simulation & Optimization tools: COMSOL, Optiwave, AutoCAD
  • Student supervision: PhD (2), MSc (3) and Honors (>25)
  • Publications: book (1), journals (24), conferences and workshops (>40)
  • Editorial role and services: Guest Editor, Applied Sciences Special Issue on Photonic Devices and Applications, Review Editor in Frontiers in Sensors (Physical Sensors), Organizing Secratary of 6th International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology, 7-9 December, 2023 KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh, TPC Member, 2024 IEEE Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) Jun. 30 - Jul 04, 2024, Melbourne, Australia, Assistant Organizing Secratary, 4th International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology, 21-23 December, 2019, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh


Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Information Engineering
The University of Sydney,Australia (2013-2017)
Supervisors: Prof. John Canning and Prof. Abbas Jamalipour
Master of Science in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET),Bangladesh (2009-2012)
Bachelor of Science in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET),Bangladesh (2005-2009)

Scholarship and Award

  • Vice Chanchellor Award in High Impact Publication 2021

  • General Merit Scholarship from Jessore Education Board for HSC Result (Govt. Scholarship)

  • Best Paper Award, International Conference on Informatics Electronics & Vision (ICIEV12), Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS)

    A Commonwealth Funded Scholarship for Postgraduate Research in the University of Sydney, NSW, Australia

  • Ausrtralian Postgraduate Award (APA)

  • Australian Awards – Endeavour Research Fellowship

    ($24,500) Source: Australian Government Department of Education and Training

  • Hitachi Social Innovation Awards – Social Impact Prize for Smart Agriculture

    Project: “Healthy Food from Farm to Kitchen – Smart Quality Assurance in a Connected World” ($1,200) Source: Hitachi Australia Pty. Ltd.

  • Edmund Optics Educational Bronze Awards to The University of Sydney

    (in name with Prof. John Canning) Project: Development of an all-contained smartphone spectrometer) ($7,000)

  • Finalist, Postgraduate Research Conference 2015, Faculty of Engineering and IT, The University of Sydney

  • Best Paper Award

    Asia Communications and Photonics Conf. (ACP), Hong Kong

  • ResMed Award in Biomedical Engineering

    Student Research Conversazione, Faculty of Engineering and IT, The University of Sydney ($1,000) Source: ResMed, Australia


  • Photonics and optical engineering
  • Smart sensing, devices and materials are increasingly underpinned by the need for new photonic technologies to create, outperform, improve and transform ubiquitous systems of the future across industry and society. Dr Hossain’s research focuses on new device and sensing technologies making smarter use of them to detect our physical and chemical environments. In particular, Dr. Hossain and his team, is working on harnessing the attributes of many smart device technologies (smartphone, smart wearables etc.) to develop of low-cost scientific instruments aiming to serve in those areas where traditional instruments are limited by their size, cost and connectivity. This includes smartphone colorimetric, microscopic, spectroscopic, SPR, and many fiber-optic based devices. 3D fabrication of new materials and devices will enable new directions to open up. The cross-disciplinary nature means the team investigates interests across science and engineering. The ultimate aim is to create a powerful network of sensing technologies that will determine the shape of the next generation internet-of-everything to come.
  • 3D printing and technologies for sensing applications; 3D printing in photonics; 3D bio-printing


Service Records
  • Deputy Manager
    More Enrerpreneual Life at Bangladeshi Universities@EU Erasmus+ 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Promoting entrepreneurship activities in Bangladeshi university culture by sensitization, training and coaching programs for students.
  • Professor
    Department/Section: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), KUET 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Working Area: Sensors and instrumentation, optics and photonics
  • Associate Professor
    Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), KUET 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
  • Lecturer
    Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), KUET 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
  • Assistant Professor
    Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), KUET 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
  • Postgraduate Researcher (PhD)
    Wireless Networking Group (WiNG)and interdisciplinary Photonics Laboratories (iPL), The University of Sydney 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
  • Casual Academic (Undergraduate Tutor)
    The University of Technology Sydney (UTS) 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
  • Casual Academic (Undergraduate Tutor)
    School of Electrical and Information Engineering, The University of Sydney 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
  • Research Fellow
    Department/Section: Electrical and Information Engineering
    The University of Sydney 04-Sep-2017 to 10-Feb-2018
    Working Area: Smart Sensing & Instrumentation
Professional Body Membership
  • Engineers Institute of Bangladesh (IEB)

    Member Type:
    Member ID:

  • The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

    Member Type:
    Member ID:

  • The Optical Society (OSA)

    Member Type:
    Member ID:

  • Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

    Member Type:
    Member ID:

  • Review Editor, Frontiers in Sensors (Physical Sensors) (2022-)

    Member Type:
    Member ID:

Teaching and Supervision

Course Conduction

Project: 3D printing of optical fibre preforms (May 2015 to Dec 2016) Student: J. E. Comatti, G. Balle, L. Chartier, T. Athanaze, and M. S. Rahme – intern and Talented Student Program (TSP) projects at iPL in collaboration with Prof. G. D. Peng at UNSW, A/Prof. S. G. Leon-Saval at School of Physics, The University of Sydney & A/Prof. M. Lancry at Université Paris-Sud, France. Summary: This project developed the world first optical fibre from a 3D printed preform. Our method has been demonstrated successfully as a low-cost technology for drawing polymer fibres. More broadly, 3D printers capable of processing soft glasses, silica, and other materials are likely to come on line in the not-so-distant future. The recent advancement on the project is the step-index preform from a dual-head 3D printer and more recently, we have successfully drawn tapered fibre directly using the thermal extrusion of a printer nozzle.

• Project: Chlorophyll measurements of water using smartphone spectrometer (Feb 2015 – May 2015) Student: TSP projects of 4 undergraduate students at iPL in collaboration with Prof. Maxwell Crossley at School of Chemistry, The University of Sydney Summary: The project aimed to demonstrate the application of a smartphone spectrometer for measuring chlorophyll concentration in water in the field and compare the performance against a benchtop spectrofluorimeter. • Project: Lab-in-a-Phone – A smartphone fluorimeter for measuring water pH (Dec 2013 – Jun 2014) Student: T. L. Yen, internship project at iPL in collaboration with Dr. S. Ast and A/Prof. P. J. Rutledge at School of Chemistry, The University of Sydney Summary: Using the state-of-the-art technology of smartphone, this project developed a smartphone-based intensity fluorimeter which has been demonstrated for pH measurement and mapping of drinking and environmental water across different sites in Sydney city.

Basic Electrical Engineering (undergraduate)

Smart Sensors (Postgraduate)

Last Update: 15-Aug-2024