Department of Mechanical Engineering


Dr. Dipayan Mondal

+88024777 33351-70 Ext-8431
[email protected]
Personal Webpage
Research Interest: 1. Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, 2. HVAC & Ref. System, 3. Thermal & Thermo-Fluids, 4. Transport and Thermodynamics Properties, and 5. Environmental Impacts of Energy and Materials.


Welcome to visit my webpage. Hi, This is Prof. Dr. Dipayan Mondal from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna, Bangladesh. I am very pleased to introduce myself as a Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of KUET with the help of Almighty GOD. Currently, I am serving as a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET). I completed my PhD degree from Saga University, Japan. I completed both of my B.Sc. Eng. (ME) and M.Sc. Eng.(ME) degree in Mechanical Engineering from KUET. After completing my B.Sc. Eng. (ME), I had joined as a Maintenance Engineer at Silkways Card & Printing Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh. After that I had joined as a Lecturer at the department of Mechanical Engineering of Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna, Bangladesh. My main goal is to secure a growth oriented and challenging career in a first-paced and a well establish position in research by utilizing technical knowledge, practical experience, interpersonal skills and teaching experience in a vow to convert thinking into an innovative creation because successful completion of research work is the missionary step of create new things, to implement new idea and finally to get a successful outcome. My Research Interests mainly belong to:- (1) Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, (2) HVAC & Ref. System, (3) Thermal & Thermo-Fluids, (4) Transport and Thermodynamics Properties, and (5) Environmental Impacts of Energy and Materials.



Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Saga University,Japan (October, 2018-September, 2021-) Achievement: MEXT Scholarship, JAPAN
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering [M. Sc. Eng. (ME)]
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET),BANGLADESH (July, 2012-2014) Student Type: Part Time, Achievement: Technical Scholarship in Postgraduate level
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering [B. Sc. Eng. (ME)]
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET),BANGLADESH (February, 2007-2011) Group: Mechanical Engineering, Student Type: Regular, Merit Position: 2nd, Achievement: (1) Technical Scholarship in Undergraduate level, (2) Merit-based Scholarships awarded
Thesis Title- Design, Construction and Performance Test of a Bend Tube Water to Air Heat Exchanger; Supervisor- Professor Dr. Md. Nawser Ali Moral, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khulna University of Engineerin
Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.)
Paikgacha College,BANGLADESH (2006) Group: Science, Student Type: Regular,
Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.)
A. B. D. P. Lata M. M. High School,BANGLADESH (2004) Group: Science, Student Type: Regular,

Scholarship and Award

  • Govt. Junior Scholarship in 2002-2004. (Jessore Board)

    To February 2004

  • Govt. Divisional Scholarship

    Divisional Scholarship in Khulna ( Time being of HSC from Jessore Board)

  • Technical / Merit Based Scholarship ( Time being of B.Sc Engineering )

    Technical /Merit order scholarship through out the 4 years study of B.Sc. Engineering from KUET.

  • Technical Scholarship ( Time being of M.Sc Engineering )

    Technical /Merit order scholarship through out the M.Sc. Engineering from KUET.

  • Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Awardees, 2018

    To Till Date


  • 1. Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, 2. HVAC & Ref. System, 3. Thermal & Thermo-Fluids, 4. Transport and Thermodynamics Properties, and 5. Environmental Impacts of Energy and Materials.
  • Thermal Engineering and HVAC & Ref. System


Service Records
  • Professor
    Department/Section: Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Aug-2023 to Present
    Working Area: Teaching and Research
  • Associate Professor
    Department/Section: Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 08-May-2022 to 31-Jul-2023
    Working Area: Teaching and Research
  • Assistant Professor
    Department/Section: Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Dec-2014 to 07-May-2022
    Working Area: Teaching and Research
  • Lecturer
    Department/Section: Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 10-Jun-2012 to 30-Nov-2014
    Working Area: Teaching and Research
  • Testing Officer and Consultant
    Department/Section: CRTS of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 10-Jun-2012 to Present
    Working Area: As a Testing Officer and Consultant and
  • Maintenance Engineer
    Department/Section: Engineering Section
    Silkways Card & Printing Ltd. 01-Jan-2011 to 05-Jun-2012
    Working Area: Maintenance Machine and Utilities
Administrative Experience Records
  • Deputy Director, Student Welfare Center, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)
    01-Jan-2011 to 05-Jun-2012
    Department/Section: Student Welfare Center, KUET
  • Assistant Provost, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Hall, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)
    01-Jan-2011 to 05-Jun-2012
    Department/Section: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Hall, KUET
Professional Body Membership
  • Member of IEB (The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh)

    Member Type:
    Member ID: M/33356

  • Member of JSRAE, Japan Society of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, JAPAN

    Member Type:
    Member ID: 20465

Teaching and Supervision

Course Conduction

Major Courses that Interested:

M.Sc Eng. (ME)

  • Thermal Environmental Engineering,
  • Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer, 
  • Energy Management in Buildings


B.Sc Eng. (ME)

  •  M.Sc Eng. (ME)M.Sc Eng. (ME)
  • Thermal Engineering, 
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, 
  • Engineering Mechanics and Theory of Machine,
  • Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering,
  • Mechanics of Solid, 
  • Heat Transfer, 
  • Engineering Drawing.



Last Update: 13-Aug-2024