Department of Mechanical Engineering


Dr. Mohammad Mashud

+8802477733351 Ext 405
[email protected]
Personal Webpage
Research Interest: Aerodynamics


I am a distinguished aerospace and mechanical engineering professional. With an impressive career, I have been a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) for over 25 years, showcasing exceptional expertise and dedication. I also served as a research fellow at the NASA-Supported Aerospace Center, UTEP, USA. During my tenure at KUET, I excelled in teaching undergraduate and graduate courses; I conducted courses at the USA university as well, conducting courses independently with a strong commitment to academic excellence. I supervised over 110 students in their research projects, fostering research and academic growth in mechanical engineering. Passionate about research, I have been involved in multiple research projects and gained extensive knowledge in Aerodynamics, Fluid Mechanics (especially flow separation control), Renewable energy & energy harvesting, and Heat transfer, which I share through teaching and research. My proficiency in developing mathematical models and solving real-world challenges using simulation platforms makes me valuable in consultancy and testing services. As an accomplished researcher, I authored five books/chapters and published 143 numbers peer-reviewed articles in renowned journals & proceedings, earning six nationally and internationally competitive research grants. My contributions extend to serving as Editor-in-Chief of a Peer-reviewed International Journal and actively participating as a reviewer for top-quality journals. Beyond academia, I displayed leadership qualities as Chairman and Secretary of CRTS at KUET, collaborating with industrial partners. Demonstrating administrative prowess as the Chairman of the Department and Provost in the student residence of KUET. Driven by an unwavering dedication to advancing Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, I continue to inspire and shape the future of the engineering community through my vast knowledge and research prowess.


Doctor of Engineering
Nagoya University,Japan (2006)
Master of Engineering
Nagoya University,Japan (2003)
B. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology,Bangladesh (1998) Group: Mechanical Engineering,

Scholarship and Award

  • Sholarships

    Follow-Up Research Fellowship, JASSO, Japan Japanese Government Scholarship (MONBUKAGASHO) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Student Research Award University Merit order Scholarship, KUET, Bangladesh


  • Aerodynamics
  • Fluid Mechanics; specially Flow Separation Control - Aerodynamics
    Inflatable Wings
    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
    Renewable Energy
    Energy Conver


Service Records
  • Lecturer
    Department/Section: Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 09-May-1999 to 14-Jun-2003
  • Assistant Professor
    Department/Section: Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 15-Jun-2003 to 11-Jul-2009
  • Associate Professor
    Department/Section: Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 12-Jul-2009 to 27-Jul-2011
  • Professor
    Department/Section: Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 28-Jul-2011 to Present
Administrative Experience Records

Departmental Roles and Responsibilities

 i)       Member (2009-2022), Academic Council, KUET, Bangladesh

 ii)      Course-Coordinator (2010-11), post-graduate level, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KUET, Bangladesh

iii)    Member (2009-2022), Academic Executive Committee, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, KUET, Bangladesh

iv)    Member (2006-2022), UG and Post-Graduate Courses Curriculum Reviewing Committee, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KUET, Bangladesh

v)     Examiner (1999-2022), KUET, Bangladesh

vi)    Member Secretary (2009-2011), Constancy, Research and Testing Services (CRTS), Department of Mechanical Engineering, KUET, Bangladeshvii)  Chairman (2015-2017), Constancy, Research and Testing Services (CRTS), Department of Mechanical Engineering, KUET, Bangladeshvii)   Elected Member (2015- 2022), Planning and Development Committee, KUET, Bangladesh

Teaching and Supervision

Course Conduction

Undergraduate Level

  •  Intro to Thermo-Fluid Science: an introduction to thermodynamics and fluid mechanics
  •  Basic Mechanical Engineering: an overview of mechanical engineering
  •  Thermodynamics I: introduction to thermodynamics
  •  Thermodynamics II: applied thermodynamics
  •  Heat and Mass Transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation
  •  Fluid Mechanics I: introduction to fluid mechanics
  •  Fluid Mechanics II: analytical fluid mechanics
  •  Fluid Mechanics III: applied fluid mechanics
  •  Numerical Analysis: different mathematical solution methods
  •  Aerodynamics: fundamentals of aerodynamics
  •  Flight Mechanics: introduction to flight
  • Mechanical Engineering Design: design of various machine parts (shafts, bearings, gears,     etc.) 

Graduate Level

  • Mechanics of Inviscid Incompressible Fluid
  •  Mechanics of Viscous Fluid
  •  Fluid Drive and Control
  •  Advanced Aerodynamics
  •  Airfoil Design
  •  Advanced Numerical Analysis
  •  Finite Element Methods in Engineering
Course Supervision

Major Responsibilities

Conducting lectures, labs, exams, projects, and homework assignments,
Advising and evaluating students’ senior capstone projects,
Engaging in research and scholarly activities, service to the university and professional societies,
Supervising theses of graduate and undergraduate students,
Performing different administrative works such as preparing undergraduate results,
Managing the aerodynamics and aerial robotics laboratories in the Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Designing OBE base course and curriculum for undergraduate mechanical students

Student Corner

Last Update: 14-Aug-2024