Department of Textile Engineering


Dr. Md. Ismail Hossain

Assistant Professor
+88-02477733351~69, Ext-8691 (O)
[email protected]
Personal Webpage
Research Interest: Artificial Intelligence (Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Network), Taguchi Approach, Composite Textile, Nanotechnology, Functional Textile, Green & Sustainable Textiles, Coloration Technology.






PhD in Textile Manufacturing Process
University of Malaya,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia () Student Type: Full time,
BSc. in Textile Engineering
University of Dhaka,Bangladesh () Group: Textile Engineering, Student Type: Full time,

Scholarship and Award


  • Artificial Intelligence (Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Network), Taguchi Approach,
  • Composite Textile,
  • Nanotechnology,
  • Functional Textile, Green & Sustainable Textiles,
  • Coloration Technology.


Service Records
  • General Manager
    Department/Section: Knitting & Dyeing
    APS Apparel Ltd.(APS Group) 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Working Area: Laboratory, Knitting, Dyeing & Finishing
    Responsibility: Production, Quality Control, R & D; WTP, ETP and Overall Management of Knitting & Dyeing.
  • Part-time Faculty Member
    Department/Section: Textile Engineering
    BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Working Area: Advanced Printing and Finishing (MSc course)
    Responsibility: Teaching, Paper Setter and Examiner
  • Part-time Faculty Member
    Department/Section: Textile Engineering
    Bangladesh University of Textile (BUTex) 01-Sep-2024 to 01-Sep-2024
    Working Area: Man –Made Textile Fibers
    Responsibility: Teaching, Paper setter and Examiner
  • Assistant Professor
    Department/Section: Textile Engineering
    Daffodil International University 04-May-2016 to 31-Aug-2018
    Working Area: Wet Processing Engineering
  • Assistant Professor
    Department/Section: Textile Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 03-Sep-2018 to Present
    Working Area: Wet Processing Engineering
Professional Body Membership
  • Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)

    Member Type: General member
    Member ID: 29832

  • Institution of Textile Engineers and Technologist (ITET), Bangladesh

    Member Type: Life Member
    Member ID: LM-1042

Teaching and Supervision

Course Conduction 1.External Examiner: MSc. Thesis, Department of Wet Process Engineering, Bangladesh University of Textiles, (BUTex) Title: Equilibrium Adsorption Isotherm, Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Bombyx Mori Silk Fabric with Homo-bi-functional Reactive Dyes,2017 (Completed). 2.External Examiner: MSc. Thesis, Department of Textile Engineering Management, Bangladesh University of Textiles, (BUTex) Title: Assessment of Market Feasibility in Case of Dyeing Silk Fabric with Marigold Flower, 2018 (Completed). 3. External Examiner: MSc. Thesis, Department of Wet Process Engineering, Bangladesh University of Textiles, (BUTex) Title: Feasibility Study of Effluent Water in Pre-treatment and Dyeing of Knit Fabric, 2018 (Completed). 4. External Examiner: MSc. Thesis, Department of Wet Process Engineering, Bangladesh University of Textiles, (BUTex) Title: Synthesis of Amylase Enzyme and Application on Woven Fabric to Develop Single Bath Combined Pretreatment and Dyeing with Reactive Dye, 2018 (Completed). 5. External Examiner: MSc. Thesis; Dept. of Wet Process Engineering, Bangladesh University of Textile (BUTex); Title: Statistical Analysis of Levelness Parameter and Characterization of Cotton Knit Fabric Dyed with Fluorescent Pigment, 2019, (completed). 6. External Examiner: MSc. Thesis; Dept. of Wet Process Engineering, Bangladesh University of Textile (BUTex); Title: Study of Environmental Impact using Different Chemical Classes of Reactive Dye on Woven Fabric, 2020, (completed). 7. External Examiner: MSc. Thesis; Dept. of Wet Process Engineering, Bangladesh University of Textile (BUTex); Title: Effect of Cross-Linking Agent on the Physical Properties of Viscose Woven Fabric, 2020, (completed). 8. Internal Examiner: MSc. (Thesis) in Textile Engineering, Daffodil International University, 2017(Completed). 9. Undergraduate Level: Main Supervisor: Supervised more than 40 students in Undergraduate Level in Different Universities.

Last Update: 10-Jul-2024