Message From Head

Cinque Terre

Md. Ikramul Hoque

It gives me a great pleasure and honor to welcome you to the Department of Building Engineering & Construction Management (BECM) at Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET). Department of Building Engineering & Construction Management at KUET is the first Department established in Bangladesh to develop the professional manpower in the field of building science and construction management. I would like to present you with the general information on our mission, vision, undergraduate programs, research activities, facilities and the special programs available to you only in this department.

Our mission is to educate each individual to become the leaders of the profession for future. Our undergraduate program showcases several disciplines within civil engineering, architecture engineering, construction management, wind and earthquake engineering, fire engineering etc. Courses related to advanced building structures, foundation analysis, building design, building construction, building maintenance, construction safety, building codes, regulations and specifications, earthquake resistance, wind effects on buildings, various computer aided designs, lighting and acoustics, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning control systems, indoor air quality, construction management are included in this undergraduate program. These courses of this program not only develop the skills for professional practice, communication skills, problem solving skills, interpersonal skills as well as lifelong learning but also provide our students with a sound and broad education which prepares them for professional practice in the competitive field. Thus our vision is to strive for ensuring that our graduates understand professional ethics and the value of service to their profession and society through involvement in community, state, and national organizations and also at abroad. There will be enrolled 60 students in this department at undergraduate level in every year, thus a total of 240 students. Currently a number of 236 students of four batches are studying here. The faculty members of this department are devoted to themselves in research field such as building engineering and construction management etc. This department has developed structural and material engineering lab, foundation engineering lab, building information modeling lab, surveying lab, architectural engineering lab and computer lab etc. A club named P2da has been founded with a vision to go with the competitive world in the engineering, construction and management fields to be expert in various software's related to the planning, design, drawing, construction etc.

We invite you to explore our website for exciting opportunities in this department and contact us if you would like more information.