Message From Head

Head PHY

Prof. Dr. Sujit Kumer Shil

Physics is the study of all matter and energy, as well as the interactions among them, in the entire physical universe. Physicists ask fundamental questions in order to expand our knowledge and reveal underlying order or principles. Physics is the most fundamental (and oldest) of the sciences that employs rigorous logic, mathematics, experimentation, and critical reasoning/thinking.

We strive to discover new knowledge or innovations that push back the frontier of the unknown. There is a continuous spectrum of exploration in physics, from the edge of our understanding to applications for everyday uses. Physicists are bound together in their passion to find and solve interesting and important puzzles for the benefit of all humanity, whether in academia or industry.

Our mission is to educate students on both the theory and practice of physics in the area of experimental solid state Physics, atmospheric physics and health physics that is their passion for their particular future goals.

Physics is proud of our environment, which fosters all students and faculty to achieve their greatest potential and to become outstanding physicists. There is a true community of devoted explorers.

I look forward to hearing from you and perhaps having you join us in our common passion.

Thank you,
Prof. Dr. Sujit Kumer Shil
Head, Department of Physics
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna-9203
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +8802477733351~70 Ext-500