Since the opening of the department the authority is committed and continuously working to develop facilities for the students. The department already has its very own building established in the year of 2015. Several numbers of labs and studios along with the necessary equipments and instruments have been developed. Class rooms are also facilitated with multimedia facilities.

Physical Facilities in the URP Building :

Facilities Name Location Student Capacity Use Components
Classroom cum Studio 1 1st Floor (209) 60 persons Classroom for 1st year student Studio for Basic Design in Architecture; Communication and Presentation Techniques Typically equipped with a whiteboard, adequate desks and chairs for students Visual capabilities (i.e., projector, computer) and Internet access
Classroom cum Studio 2 1st Floor (210) 60 person Classroom for 2nd year student Studio for Social and Physical Surveys; Landscape Planning and Design; Site and Area Planning
Classroom cum Studio 3 3rd Floor(407) 60 persons Classroom for 3rd year student Studio for Urban Planning; Transportation Planning; Rural Planning
Classroom cum Studio 4 3rd Floor(408) 60 persons Classroom for 3rd year student Studio for Environmental Planning and Management; Regional Planning; Project Planning; Participatory Planning
Engineering Surveying and Cartography Laboratory Ground Floor(101) 60 persons Demonstrating survey equipment Survey equipment (i.e., Differential GPS, Handheld GPS, Total Station, Auto-Level, Theodolite, Plane table, Prismatic compass, Engineer�s chain etc.)
Visual capabilities (i.e., projector, computer) and Internet access
GIS, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Laboratory 3rd Floor(409) 60 persons Studio for GIS, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry; Computer Applications in Planning
Training and Workshop on GIS and RS
Research work related to spatial tools and technology
Image Processing
Spatial Statistical Analysis
Modelling and Simulation
60 Computer for Students with LAN connection
Visual capabilities (i.e., projector, base computer) and Internet access
Plotter Printer and A4 Color printer
Authorized ArcGIS 10.1 and ERDAS Imagine Software
Urban Planning and Transport Simulation Lab Ground Floor(102) Research work related to simulation and modelling on transportation planning Visual capabilities (i.e., projector, computer) and Internet access
Computer with authorized simulation software
Urban Environmental Engineering and Planning Laboratory Ground Floor(103) 10 persons Research work related to Environmental planning and management Environment quality measuring equipment (i.e., air pollutant meter, water quality meter, noise level meter, temperature meter, soil salinity meter etc.)
Planning Information System (PIS) Lab (to be announced)
Multipurpose Room 3rd Floor(406) 120 persons Studio for Graphics for Planners; Cartography; Drawing
Training and Workshop
Seminar and Meeting
60 drawing table for Students
Visual capabilities (i.e., projector, computer) and Internet access
Departmental Rental Library 1st Floor(204) 15 persons Printed and online materials covering a wide variety of academic fields related to urban and regional planning Well-furnished library
Around 500 books and journals
Modern computers and Internet access
Departmental Lobby 1st Floor and 3rd Floor 10 persons in each Group discussion and lab work Equipped with adequate desks and chairs for students and Internet access