Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Dr. Monir Hossen, SMIEEE, FIEB

[email protected]
Personal Webpage
Research Interest: Publication Chair TPC Secretary General Secretary: Organizing Secretary: Research Projects: 4. 3. 2. 1. Research Interest: Thesis Titles: Editorial Board Member:


Most welcome and thank you very much for visiting my website. My main research intention focuses on designing a modern city called ubiquitous city (u-City). A u-City is an autonomous city. A significant number of service providers such as fiber-to-the-home (FTTH), wireless sensor networks (WSNs), high-definition television (HDTV) or video on demand (VoD), and Femto networks (FNs), will comprise in the modern u-Cities. Each home and business appliance in a future u-City will be equipped with several sensor nodes remotely monitored by the owners and service providers. Usually, sensor nodes will send notifications to the central office (CO) concerning any abnormality of any household or commercial device that is expected to be deployed in the u-Cities, e.g., gas systems, temperature and pressure monitoring systems, electric sparking and smoke detection systems, automobile systems, and medical sensor nodes in a hospital. However, constructing a closed, specific-use network for each individual application and accommodating several users using different access terminals and servers require an enormous amount of time and expense. To overcome the enormous expense and deployment of several backbone networks for all the service providers, I have proposed a passive optical network (PON)-based converged network to connect the FTTH and WSNs in a single optical network, because the PON systems have enough bandwidth that can effectively share the upstream channel and the CO equipments over the high-speed and high-capacity bandwidth demands. The main objectives of my present researches are to provide a suitable network architecture and dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) algorithm for the PON-based hybrid networks for combining several service providers in a u-city with reduced overhead and better quality of services (QoSs). If my present research outcomes are implemented then the several service providers of developed countries, e.g., USA, Japan, Korea, and Europe, will be connected by a single PON that will reduce the installation cost of new networks deployment. In my future research, I would like to extend my PON-based hybrid network concept for the open access network (OAN) in the over populated areas of developing countries, e.g., Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, etc., where the network cost per user will be less and provided that the better QoSs will be guaranteed.




Post Doctoral Follow-up Research Fellowship of Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
University of Yamanashi,Japan (2018-2018)
Doctor of Philosophy in Information and Mechanical System Engineering
Master of Science in Electronics Engineering
Kookmin University, Seoul,Korea (2008-2010)
Bachelor of Science in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET),Bangladesh (1998-2002) Group: Electrical & Electronic Engineering,

Scholarship and Award

  • Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea Postgraduate Research Scholarship for M.Sc. Engineering.

  • Merit order scholarships throughout 4 years study of B.Sc. Engineering

  • Teaching Assistant, Electrical & Electronic Engineering Department, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

  • Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Scholarship Japan.

  • Yoneyama Rotary Scholarship Japan.

  • Research Assistantship (RA), Information and Communication System (ICS) Lab., Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering, University of Yamanashi, Japan.

  • Best Paper Award:

    International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICAICT 2016), Chittagong, Bangladesh, May 16-17, 2016.

  • Best Paper Award:

    International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE 2017), Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, February 16-18, 2017.

  • Best Paper Award:

    International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT2019), KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh, December 20-22, 2019.


  • Publication Chair
  • 6th International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT 2023), KUET, Khulna -9203.

  • TPC Secretary
  • 6th International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT 2023), KUET, Khulna -9203.

  • General Secretary:
  • 1st International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICICTD 2022), IICT, KUET, Khulna-9203.

  • Organizing Secretary:
  • 4th International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT2019), KUET, Khulna -9203.

  • Research Projects:
  • 4.
  • Name of Project: Design and Performance Investigation of Multi-thread Online Polling Algorithm for Multi-OLT PON based Open Access Networks.
    Funding Authority: KUET, Bangladesh
    Amount: 68,000 BDT
    Duration: 01/07/2017 - 30/06/2018
  • 3.
  • Name of Project: Performance investigation of PON based open access networks using concatenated OCDM technology
    Funding Authority: KUET, Bangladesh
    Persons:Dr. Monir Hossen
    Amount: 65,000 BDT
    Duration: 01/07/2015 - 30/06/2016
  • 2.
  • Name of Project: Supplementary Fund for Developing Research Facilities for Teachers and Students in Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at KUET
    Funding Authority: Sub-Project of Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP), UGC, Bangladesh
    Persons: Dr. Md. Faruque Hossain, Dr. Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Dr. Monir Hossen
    Amount: 70,00000 BDT
    Duration: 01/07/2017 - 31/12/2018
  • 1.
  • Name of Project: Establishment of Virtual Lab for Collaborative Research in the area of Signal Processing and Communication Engineering
    Funding Authority: Sub-Project of Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP), UGC, Bangladesh
    Persons: Dr. Pallab Kumar Choudhury, Md. Alamgir Hossain, Dr. Monir Hossen, Mehanuma Tabassum Omar
    Amount: 151,00000 BDT
    Duration: 01/07/2014 - 30/06/2016
  • Research Interest:
  • * Optical networks
    * PON-based hybrid networks and its algorithm
    * MAC protocol of wireless sensor network
    * Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET)
  • Thesis Titles:
  • * PhD Thesis Title:- Architectures and dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms for passive optical hybrid networks
    * M. Sc. Thesis Title:- PON-based large sensor network and its protocol
  • Editorial Board Member:
  • * Journal of Asian Science, Technology & Innovation (JASTI)
    * International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN)
    * International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications (IJIREC)
    * American Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (AJSET)
    * Journal of Frontiers in Communications and Networks


Service Records
  • Lecturer
    Department/Section: Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 28-Jun-2004 to 07-Jul-2007
  • Assistant Professor
    Department/Section: Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 08-Jul-2007 to 28-Nov-2015
  • Associate Professor
    Department/Section: Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 29-Nov-2015 to 31-Dec-2017
    Working Area: Optical and Wireless Communication
  • Professor
    Department/Section: Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 01-Jan-2018 to Present
Administrative Experience Records

Assistant Provost: Amar Ekushey Hall, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna - 9203,  Bangladesh.

Professional Body Membership
  • The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)

    Member Type: Life Fellow
    Member ID: 12224

  • Bangladesh Electronics Society (BES), Bangladesh

    Member Type: Life Member
    Member ID:

  • Korea Information and Communications Society(KICS), Korea

    Member Type: Member
    Member ID:

  • The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea (IEEK), Korea

    Member Type: Member
    Member ID:

  • IEEE

    Member Type: Senior Member
    Member ID: 94302762

Teaching and Supervision

Course Conduction
Undergraduate Courses:
=> Analog Electronics-II
=> Analog Communications
=> Digital Communications
=> Data Communications
=> Microprocessors and Microcomputers
=> Wireless Sensor Network
=> Optical Fiber Communications
=> Telecommunications
Postgraduate Courses:
    • Ubiquitous Networks
    • Optical Communication Networks
    • Wireless Sensor Network (IICT)


  • PhD Thesis Supervision:

             Currently, I am supervising 02 PhD students.

  • PhD Thesis Evaluation

2. Shahid Md. Asif Iqbal, "Source-Assisted Adaptive Forwarding and Caching   Strategies to Reduce Transmission Overhead and Latency in Named Data   Networks," Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET),       Chattogram, Bangladesh, May 2022.

 1. Fatin Hamadah binti Haji Awang Muhamad Abdul Rahman, “Trust-Based Parked Vehicular Fog for Catering Applications in 5G/B5G,” Computing and Information & Systems, School of Computing and Informatics, Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei, June 2021.


  • M.Sc. Thesis Supervision:

5. Farha Zakaria Crystal, Modified Routing-enhanced Duty-cycle MAC Protocol for Low Latency and Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks,” Department of ECE, KUET, November 2023.

4. Sujit Basu, “A New Polling Algorithm for Dynamic Data Transmission Sequence of Cluster-based PON,” Department of ECE, KUET, January 2021.

3.  S. M. Asif Hossain, "Cross-correlation based Acoustic Signal Processing Technique and Its Implementation on Marine Ecology," Department of ECE, KUET, December 2018.

2. Shuvashis Saha, “Efficient DBA Algorithms for Delay Reduction and Solving the Over-granting Problem of Long Reach PON,” Department of ECE, KUET, December 2017.

1. Md. Selim Morshed, “Dynamic Hybrid-Slot-Size Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for Improving Quality of Services of Real Time Traffic in Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON),” Department of ECE, KUET, January 2017.


  • M.Sc. Thesis Evaluation:

17. Md. Khorshed Alom, “Density and Energy Aware DEEC Routing Protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks,” Department of ECE, KUET, June 2024.

16. Mushfiqur Rahman Masuk, “Design of High Performance Photonic Crystal Fiber-based Plasmonic Biosensor,” Department of ECE, KUET, May 2024.

15. Md. Shamim Hossain, “Secure Wireless Multicasting with Relay Selection Strategies under Diversity Combining Schemes,” Department of EEE, RUET, December 2023.

14. Md. Abu Baker Siddiki Abir, “Design and Analysis of Queueing-based Software-Defined UAV Networks Integrated with Digital Twin,” IICT, KUET, July 2023.

13. Aysha Jui, “IoT Based Health Monitoring System using Fog-Cloud Interface,” Department of ECE, KUET, July 2023.

12. Md. Nazmul Hussain, “Design of Plasmonic Refractive Index Sensor based on Dual Core Photonic Crystal Fiber,” Department of ECE, KUET, June 2023.

11.  Ashik Alam, “Enhancing Security in Multicasting Through Correlated κ-µ Shadowed Fading Channels with Opportunistic Relaying,” Department of EEE, RUET, May 2023.

10.  Sifat Hossain, “Design and Analysis of Microstrip Slotted Patch Antenna for S, C, X and Ku Band Applications,” Department of ECE, KUET,  May 2023.

9.    Sharmin Akter, “Analysis of Routing Protocols for Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks with Two Level Cluster Heads,” Department of ECE, KUET,  July 2022.

8.   Arif Hossan, “Distance and Energy Aware Stable Election Rouing Protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network,” Department of ECE, KUET,  July 2022.

7.   Md. Alamgir Hossain, “Performance Analysis of Energy Detection based Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Network,” Department of ECE, KUET,  April 2022.

6.   Mohsina Mollik Santa, “Performance Analysis of LTE-A Network Exploiting Various TCP Sources,” Department of ECE, KUET,  December 2020.

5. Md. Nazmul Islam, “Design and Analysis of a Pattern Reconfigurable Antenna for Wi-Fi Base Station,” Department of ECE, KUET, November 2018.

4. S. M. Bulbul Ahammed, “A Compressive Approach to Analyze the Performance of Wideband Cognitive Radio Networks,” Department of ECE, KUET, April 2018.

3. Shamima Nasrin, “Analysis of In-band Transmission of Baseband and Broadcast Signals for Next Generation WDM-PON,” Department of ECE, KUET, December 2017.

2. Taposh Paul, “Design of OFDM Based Wavelength Reuse WDM PON to Enhance the Tolerance against Re-modulation Noise,” Department of ECE, KUET, August  2016.

1. Tanvir Zaman Khan, “Design of Symmetric 10 Gbps Bi-Directional Wavelength Reused Optical Access Networks,” Department of ECE, KUET, August 2016.

Last Update: 10-Mar-2024