Message From Head

Cinque Terre

Dr. Md. Jahir Uddin

Architecture is an applied and tangible function of Art and Science. It requires multidisciplinary and holistic approach in the learning of a student of architecture. Considering Vitruvius notion on architecture as combination of Firmitas (Firmness of structure) Utilitas (Function) and Venustus (Beauty),KUET architecture curriculum has been shaped and formulated. It is imperative to provide an education that evokes understanding of the physical environment within the socio-cultural milieu. The notion of aesthetics in wider sense will remain inseparable part in the overall learning process. It is expected that such an all encompassing learning  will not only amplify student’s knowledge but will also instill a critical and independent thinking about built environment and society as a whole. Architecture education at KUET will result in generating collective consciousness among students not only as  architects  but also as leaders who will respond and contribute to the overall need of the society.