Department of Mathematics

Mathematics is the fundamental discipline which is essential in every branch of knowledge, especially in science and engineering. Mathematics plays a vital role whenever one wants to make model of any form. Every physical problem is expressed through equations whose solutions provide us the information regarding the system and thus contribute to its refinement. In many problems, numerical solutions are essential to understand the effect of different parameters constituting the system and only mathematics can serve this purpose.

Department of Mathematics started its journey from the very beginning of this educational institution as engineering college in 1974. As Mathematics is the fundamental and core subject for engineering education the department of Mathematics started its academic curriculum along with all engineering departments namely Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. The department was and is responsible to teach Mathematics to the all undergraduate students in the various departments. With the advancement of time, the Engineering College was transformed to autonomous institution namely BIT and stared to enhance in every aspect.

New departments were opened and students in older departments were increased. With the enhanced responsibilities, this department has expanded and have been performing the vested responsibilities. When it was felt that postgraduate education is to be introduced in this institute, the department also come forward with the proposal to open postgraduate program, namely M.Phil. and Ph.D. program in this department also. The then BIT authority accepted the proposal, with the understanding that no new posts will be allotted to run postgraduate program. Again a transformation took place and KUET was established and with the other facilities the department is running successfully. But still no new post has been created for the postgraduate program. Very recently authority had accepted the proposal to open M.Sc. program and students have been admitted in this program from July 2014 semester.

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Established : 01-01-1973
Head : Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman
Location : Old Academic Building
(Science Building)
Phone : +8802477733351~70 Ext-550
Fax : +8802477733303
Email : [email protected]
No of Faculty : 18
No of Student : 66
Website: : /department/MATH
Degree Offered

M.Sc , M.Phill,Ph.D