Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Electrical and Electronic Engineering has emerged over the recent decades as one of the key technological department that greatly impacted today's society. The scope of this multi-faceted field is broad, encompassing such diverse fields as electric power systems, information technologies, signal and image processing, solid-state electronics, opto-electronics, control system, embedded system and electromagnetics. Interdisciplinary research, combining several of these fields, has led to the realization of new technologies. The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) is one of the largest departments in KUET and it creates a centre of excellence of the top-quality students. The Department started its journey in 1974 from the beginning of this institute. For providing the continuous support to our society, the department is providing world-class education to the brilliant youth considering their full potential. The significant contributionsto the society have made the departmentan attractive technological centre to the professional and academic personnel. For the high quality real-life orientated education system, admission in this department is a dream to the local and international students. Generally, 120 students get opportunity to enroll in this department as undergraduate student every year. In postgraduate level limited numbers of students get admission in this department in two terms in a year. Due to the international reputation of this department, foreign students also seek admission every year. After fulfilment of the international student's admission criteria, one can get admission into this department. The department offers four years (eight terms) degree of B. Sc Engineering in Electrical and Electronic with the provision for doing major and minor in various fields. In the last three terms the students are made expert in different project and thesis works, which enables them to show their skill in professional life. In postgraduate level the Department offers M. Sc Eng. and Ph.D. program through taught courses and a dissertation/thesis based on researches in all the branches of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Established : 03-03-1974
Head : Dr. Md. Salah Uddin Yusuf
Location : Old Academic Building (Electrical Engineering Building),
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering(EEE),
Khulna University of Engineering & Khulna-9203, Bangladesh
Phone : +8802477733282, Ext-300
BTCL : 02477733282
Fax : +8802477733351
Email : [email protected]
No of Faculty : 44