List of Laboratories

Electrical Circuit Laboratory

Our Electric Circuits Laboratory is equipped with AC/DC power supplies, oscilloscopes, function generators, poly-phase generators, training kits for circuits, and digital multi-meters. This lab is used for teaching basic concepts of engineering circuit analysis, as well as to illustrate and reinforce these concepts and provide hands-on experience to our students.

Analog Electronics Laboratory

In the Electronics Laboratory, first and second year students carry out experiments in circuits and electronics featuring diode and transistor circuits, amplifiers, op-amps, wave generators, and digital electronics. Equipment includes oscilloscopes, digital multi-meters, function generators, power supplies, and frequency counters. Furthermore, components are available to build circuits ranging from a simple diode rectifier to complete microprocessor-based systems.

Digital Electronics Laboratory

Digital Electronics Laboratory is fully equipped with the required instruments such as C.R.O., multi-meters, signal generator, digital trainer board, logic probe, IC tester, digital meters, data switches, and wide ranges of digital ICs of TTL and CMOS series. Here students design combinational and sequential circuits.

Electrical Machine Laboratory

Electrical Machines Lab provides the essential facilities to the students to augment their concepts about the fundamentals of transformers and electrical machines. DC series/shunt motor, compound motor, universal motor, single-phase induction motor, single-phase transformer, three-phase induction motor, three-phase synchronous motor and three-phase transformer are the components used in this lab.

Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory

The Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory is well designed with various transducers and instrumentation trainers, resistive, capacitive and inductive measurement systems, LVDTs and strain gauges, thermocouples, RTDs, light sources, transducers, CT, PT and heating bars.The lab also contains many basic electrical variables and time measurement equipment such as frequency counters, digital stopwatches, different bridges for measuring LCR, digital multi-meters and oscilloscopes.

Communication Engineering Laboratory

The laboratory provides general and some specialized facilities for conducting undergraduate and postgraduate experiments, mini projects and major projects in Communication Systems. The equipments available are function generators, pulse generators, signal collector module, analog to digital conversion module, modulator and demodulator module, transmitter and receiver, microwave signal generator, microwave waveguide, microwave amplifier, microwave filer, optical fiber module, free-space optical communication module, analog and digital oscilloscopes.

Control Engineering Laboratory

This laboratory is used for introducing the fundamentals of various analog and digital control systems, PID controllers, PLC, and servo-system. Research on the characteristics of different types of linear and non-linear controllers and multivariable control theory can be conducted successfully here.

Microprocessor and Interfacing Laboratory

The Microprocessor and hardware-interfacing laboratory are equipped with microcontroller, microprocessors, PLC, sensors and controllers to instruct real-time hardware programming. Various simulators and analysis packages are available.

Power Electronics and Machine Drives (PEMD) Laboratory

The Power Electronics Laboratory provides facilities to the students for performing several experiments on Thyristor Commutation Techniques, Controlled Rectifiers, AC Voltage Controllers, Closed-loop control of DC drives, and DC Choppers.The experimental knowledge helps the students to work in production factories.

Power System and Protection Laboratory

For illustration the processes to be done during the power failure, power system and protection laboratory has been established. The laboratory can analyses and illustrate real-time generator, motor, transformer, and transmission line faults. Sophisticated relays, fuses, circuit breakers, insulators, microprocessor-based controllers, generator, motor and transformers are the main modules of this lab.

High Voltage Engineering Laboratory

Electrical power is transmitted and distributed in high voltage level considering low transmission losses. This well-equipped lab familiarizes the students with quality testing experiments of generator, motor and transformers with high and impulse voltage. The high and impulse voltage generation facilities are available in this lab. Breakdown of gases and insulating liquids and corona can also be demonstrated. In this lab the following ten important tests of transformer are performed: