Admission Notice

  • Admission Requirements
  • Qualification for PG Admission
    Master of Science in Engineering
    For admission to the courses leading to the award of the degree of M. Sc. Eng. in any department, a candidate must have obtained a B.Sc. Eng. or an equivalent degree with at least a CGPA of 2.65 in the scale of 4.00 or its equivalent from any recognized University/Institution in the relevant field/branch and must have obtained at least a CGPA of 3.50 in the scale of 5.00 or its equivalent both in SSC and HSC levels or at least a CGPA of 3.00 in scale of 4.00 or its equivalent in Diploma in Engineering or in equivalent examinations.
  • Master of URP
    For admission to the courses leading to the award of the degree of NIURP, a candidate must have obtained a BURP/B.Sc. Eng. or an equivalent degree with at least a CGPA of 2.65 in the scale of 4.00 or its equivalent from any recognized University/Institution in the relevant field/branch and must have obtained at least a CGPA of 3.50 in the scale of 5.00 or its equivalent both in SSC and HSC levels or at least a CGPA of 3.00 in the scale of 4.00 or its equivalent in Diploma in Engineering or in equivalent examinations.
  • Master of Science
    For admission to the courses leading to the award of the degree of M. Sc. in any department, a candidate must have obtained a 4 years B.Sc. (Hon's) or an equivalent degree with at least a CGPA of 2.65 in the scale of 4.00 or its equivalent from any recognized University;/Institution in the relevant field/branch and must have obtained at least a CGPA of 3.50 in the scale of 5.00 or its equivalent both in SSC and HSC levels or at least a CGPA of 3.00 in the scale of 4.00 or its equivalent in Diploma in Engineering or in equivalent examinations.


    A candidate having B.Sc. Engineering degree with good academic records from relevant field/branch, as decided by the ACPG of the respective department, is also eligible; provided that he/she completes some pre-requisite courses as determined by the Selection Committee, constituted under Art 5.3 of this ordinance.
  • Master of Philosophy
    For admission to the courses leading to the award of the degree of M. Phil. in any department, a candidate must have obtained an M. Sc. or an equivalent degree in the relevant field/branch with at least Second Class/CGPA of 2.65 in the scale of 4.00 in both B.Sc. (Hon’s/Pass) and M. Sc. with good previous academic records.


    A candidate having B.Sc. Engineering degree with good academic records from relevant field/branch, as decided by the ACPG of the respective department, is also eligible; provided that he/she completes some pre-requisite courses as determined by the Selection Committee, constituted under Art 5.3 of this ordinance.
  • Doctor of Philosophy
    For admission to the courses leading to award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in any department, a candidate must have obtained an M. Sc. Eng./M. Eng./ M.Sc. with 4 years B.Sc. (Hon’s)/M. Phil or its equivalent degree with good academic records in the relevant field/branch of Engineering/Science or its equivalent from any recognized University/Institution.

    A student already working for an M. Sc. Eng./ M.Sc. with 4 years B.Sc. (Hon’s) ./M. Phil degree in this University and showing excellent progress and promise in thesis work may be provisionally transferred to Ph.D. program after completion of his/her M. Sc. Eng./M. Phil. course work with a minimum CGPA of 3.50 out of 4.00 on the recommendation of the ACPG and approval of the CASR.
  • Relaxation
    The above requirements may be relaxed for candidates on deputation or sponsored by Academic Institutions/Research Organizations/Government and Semi-Government Organizations. Such relaxation shall be recommended by the ACPG to the CASR for approval.
  • Admission Procedure
  • Applications for admission to the above programs shall be invited before commencement of each semester through regular means of advertisement and received by the Registrar.
  • On the recommendation of the appropriate EC, the Academic Council shall frame the rules for admission to the University for M.Sc. Eng./M.Sc./M. Phil. /Ph.D. program from time to time.
  • There shall be a Selection Committee in each department as constituted by the respective ACPG on the recommendation of the Head of the Department.
  • Before being finally selected for admission, a candidate may be required to appear at an interview by the Selection Committee
  • Every selected candidate other than a Ph.D. candidate shall have to get himself/herself admitted to the University within the prescribed time limit on payment of prescribed fees
  • A Ph.D. candidate selected by the Selection Committee shall be provisionally admitted to theUniversity within the prescribed time limit on payment of prescribed fees and he/she may be required to pass the prerequisite credit and non-credit courses, if any, as prescribed by the DSC.
  • A provisionally admitted Ph.D. candidate shall be deemed to be eligible for final admission as a Ph.D.student with effect from the date of his/her provisional admission if and when he/she qualifies the comprehensive examination (Art 6.10.3(iii) of this ordinance).