How to Apply

  • Admission Procedure
  • Applications for admission to the above programs shall be invited before commencement of each semester through regular means of advertisement and received by the Registrar.
  • On the recommendation of the appropriate EC, the Academic Council shall frame the rules for admission to the University for M.Sc. Eng./M.Sc./M. Phil. /Ph.D. program from time to time.
  • There shall be a Selection Committee in each department as constituted by the respective ACPG on the recommendation of the Head of the Department.
  • Before being finally selected for admission, a candidate may be required to appear at an interview by the Selection Committee
  • Every selected candidate other than a Ph.D. candidate shall have to get himself/herself admitted to the University within the prescribed time limit on payment of prescribed fees
  • A Ph.D. candidate selected by the Selection Committee shall be provisionally admitted to theUniversity within the prescribed time limit on payment of prescribed fees and he/she may be required to pass the prerequisite credit and non-credit courses, if any, as prescribed by the DSC.
  • A provisionally admitted Ph.D. candidate shall be deemed to be eligible for final admission as a Ph.D.student with effect from the date of his/her provisional admission if and when he/she qualifies the comprehensive examination (Art 6.10.3(iii) of this ordinance).